The 7 Best Casino Roulette Strategies in 2021

A man ponders a roulette strategy

Maybe you have ever heard of the Martingale, the Fibonacci method or the Paroli system. Here are the most popular advanced online roulette strategies. Each of them has its advantages, but also its disadvantages. We will analyze the pros and cons of roulette strategies and look at examples to help you better understand how roulette strategies work. Properly managing the bank you have and controlling the stake bet will be crucial to apply these roulette betting systems.

The Martingale

It is one of the most popular roulette strategies, which can be used in other casino games such as blackjack or even in sports betting. Martingale appeared in 18th century France and consists of starting with a fixed amount on the initial bet. If the play is a winning one, the bet is maintained for the next roll, but if the bet is a losing one, the bet is successively doubled until a winning bet is achieved. The profit is the initial bet.

There is a variant of this strategy called reverse Martingale. We establish a fixed amount for the initial bet, which we will keep in case of losing or double in case of winning.

D’Alembert Method

We could say that it is an evolution of the Martingale, in which we bet an initial unit and add a unit if we lose the bet or subtract it if we win. The objective of this roulette betting strategy is to minimize the losses that may be left by the losing cycles of the Martingale. When the bet is a winner, we “recover” the money initially wagered and start from 0. Like the Martingale, it is only feasible in system bets.

Fibonacci System

This mathematical betting system follows the numerical succession of Leonardo de Pisa 1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34. It is the sum of the two previous numbers and indicates the stake to be played. The stake goes up every time we lose, and we go back to two levels when we win. Again, it is an interesting bet for single bets, but it requires good control of the bank, especially if it is low. For this reason, it is not necessary to reach stake 34, but we can set a limit of losses in order not to compromise the bank. It is a very long-term strategy.

Paroli System

Some know it as the anti-martingale, and it consists of increasing the stake from the profits obtained. The player makes an initial bet, and if he succeeds, he increases the amount to play although reserving part of the winnings. However, unlike other roulette systems, it does not tell us how much we have to keep, but we freely decide what we reserve. If the bet fails, we return to the initial amount, and the cycle starts again. Like the other strategies seen so far, it is valid for single bets.

Labouchere strategy

This is one of the most complex roulette systems there can be, although it can also be interesting for single bets. First, the player must write down a list of six numbers between 1 and 6. They can be consecutive (1-2-3-4-5-6), the same number (4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4) or totally random (2-6-3-3-1-3-4). The stake of the first bet corresponds to the sum of the numbers of the two extremes, and from there, we start playing.

When the bet is a winner, we cross those two numbers off the list and recalculate the stake by adding the two numbers we have at the end. If the bet is a loser, we write down the stake number at the end of the list, crossing out the figures already used, and add it to the first number we have. Note that this time there can be numbers higher than 6, for example, 7 if we have the list 1-2-3-4-5-6. If you cross out all the numbers in the list, you will win the sum of the numbers in the original series.

Attila System

We leave the simple roulette bets and look at this strategy with which we cover the 9 numbers of our choice with one chip each. If the bet is a winner, we collect the winnings. If the bet is a loser, a second chip is added to a number, and in the rest, we continue playing one chip. The sequence is repeated in the third bet: if the previous bet was a winner, we collect the winnings and go back to the starting point; if it is a loser, there will be two numbers with two chips and the rest with one chip.

Instead of choosing the numbers at random, it is recommended to make four groups of nine digits (1 to 9, 10 to 18, 19 to 27 and 28 to 36) and to include at least one number from each group among the nine chosen. When using the Attila system, the 0 does not count – nor does the 00 if you play American roulette. In addition to the nine-digit Attila, there are six, seven or eight-digit versions that work exactly the same way.

Flat constant/stake bet

This is probably the roulette strategy with which many of us started playing roulette. It consists of betting the same amount each time. In favour of this strategy is that it is the simplest, against it, before starting to play, the user must decide what type of play he/she will make and what stake to play. Although there are several options, each play is associated with a stake if we do not want our bank to fly. An alternative is the constant proportion strategy, where instead of the stake, we always bet a percentage of the bank.

Thus, a higher stake can be used in low volatility bets such as colour, odd/even or high/low bets. For example, 10% of the amount you have to play. In medium volatility bets such as corners or double rows, the stake will be reduced to a range of 3% or 5%, while in high volatility bets such as straight bets, the stake will be the minimum, even 1%.